When I woke up this morning the sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. I thought, HORAY! Trip to the Greenhouuse!!!
By the time we had breakfast, the sky had clouded over, it was only 40 degrees and a chilly wind was blowing. YUCK!!! Trip to the greenhouse cancelled!
I want to set up another container water garden like this one that I did a few years ago. Unfortunately, I left it out too long into the winter and the water froze, cracking the ceramic pot. What a dummy! I had almost gassed myself out painting silicone on the inside to seal the terra cotta, then I carelessly let it freeze.
Maybe I should go with something cheaper, like plastic...

Now I have to admit that I really have 'pond envy'. I want a nice one surrounded by lush foliage in my front yard. Fish and frogs are welcome!
This is my Lily Pond rug design.
22 x 30 inches (c) 2008

To honor the Spring Equinox (is that spelled right?) I thought the
Sun Moon Stars design would be appropriate.
10 1/2 x 17 1/2 (c) 2008
This design was inspired by a PA German fraktur.

I've been working steadily on my flower basket rug. I thought a light background would be nice. I tea dyed two pieces of light tan wool, cut it and hooked a bit. Didn't like the effect.
So back to the dyepot to do something dark. Looked through my stash and found this fabric that I have a lot of and had overdyed in several colors and never used. Threw all of it into the pot with a pack of olive green and a pack of khaki drab.
The fabric is really darker looking (almost black) than the picture shows.

See how dark the background looks when it's hooked! I'm happy with everything so far except for the flower in the upper right. It reminds me of a beetle with wings! I'll have to do that one over. The basket is going to be done in shades of tan and sage.
Guess I better stop gabbing and get back to work on it!
Have a good weekend, friends!