The Ramblings of an Eccentric Old Woman who loves cooking, traditional handcrafts, and especially cats.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Grant Street Woolworks Hook-in News!
She will now be having hook-ins every Thursday. You may arrive any time after 10 a.m. and stay till 9 p.m., or if the conversation is good maybe even longer. She and I may still have to do some sewing now and then, but you're welcome to bring friends, lunch, your current project (or the ten-years-ago-it's-time-to-finish-this project!) , and work and talk, talk, talk. If you aren't into packing lunch, there are plenty of nearby restaurants.
Come and have a hooker's day out!
Grant Street Woolworks is located at 240 Grant Street in Chambersburg, PA. If you have questions or need directions, please call Linda's cell a 717 860-4628, or call the building number 717 264-6834. The guys will answer the phone for "Great War Militaria", just ask for Linda or Pat.
Happy Hooking!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Choosing and Dying the Background
Since my Santa piece needs a background, that became my incentive. Brad used to work for a printing ink manufactury, and he had given me this wonderful book with every color imaginable in it. I like to use it to get ideas of what colors may work together. Of course, I couldn't find it!!! I finally found my color wheel, but that didn't have big enough swatches to be useful. we went to Lowe's to get paint color swatches. I had decided that anything from green to blue to purple to gray would be acceptable. I did not want a light background because the snowflakes would not stand out. I came home with lots of swatches, some totally off the wall (hey, sometimes they DO work!) and others that seemed to be what I wanted.

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dying with Doris!
I have been dying wool for years and just did not realize how lacking in proper technique I am! As a 'hit or miss' dyer, sometimes I got the result I wanted and sometimes...oh, well! Doris Aymar has perfected the technique of dying so that if you follow her guidelines, your wool will consistently come out right.
Here on the countertop between the stove and the kitchen sink she has all her supplies laid out in an orderly manner within easy reach.

First we did casserole dying: we scrunched up the wool

Here are Doris, Joan Linda, Jill and Linda discussing the effects of the 'abrashing' technique which can be done with one color as this piece was done, or using a second color for more depth.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rain...and MORE RAIN!!!
When I had been at Mannings last week, I tried to get a new drive band for my spinning wheel, but they were backordered. Two days later I get the phone call that they have arrived. Another trip to Mannings! As we passed the farm where you turn for their shop I saw these creatures. Now this is a test for Kathy! What are they??? I'll give you a few clues. They are NOT 'bulls'! Though the black one with the long neck may be the Loc Ness monster. OK, Kathy, what do you think??? LOL!

Or I may take my Santa piece if I decide to go. He's coming along nicely. I haven't decided yet on a background color. Tomorrow Linda and I will be taking the dying workshop with Doris. That should give me some ideas on what will be most effective. Better take my color wheel!

Now I just can't let Joanne have all the kitty fun! Since the outdoors is so uncooperative for photography, I have had to do it indoors. This is Robbie. Linda says Robbie is an imaginary cat because when she comes to visit he is nowhere to be found! Isn't it amazing how realistically cut and paste works! LOL!

This is Robbie's sister Sophie. She is real, Linda has seen her! She's laying on the official 'scratching chair'. Check the chair legs!!! She is Zip's little darling! He says sweeter things to her than he does to me. Maybe because she puts up with his guitar playing better than I do. hehehe!

And here she is with Mommy at the cumputer. First she lays on the mouse hand.

Then she lays on the keyboard. I think she loves Mommy just as much as Daddy! Is this why I never seem to get anything done???

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Happy Hooking!
I knew she wasn't going to post any pictures of HERSELF so I thought I should do the honor. When I said Happy Hooking, I really meant it! Have you ever seen a happier hooker???

Her rug is looking quite stunning! I think it's all done but the background.

Then yesterday I started my Santa piece. I may be changing the color of the fur trim on his coat, but think I'll let it sit for a while until I get more done. Maybe some tea dyed mottled natural would be better. Looked through my stash of greens and none are quite right for the tree. Will have to dye or get in to the shop and find something textured.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Having Too Much Fun!
Zip and I spent last evening out having a good time with our friends Willa and Chuck. We drove to Harrisburg to dine at Mitaka, a dim sum/sushi restaurant. All of us love Adventures in Eating! Also Chuck and Willa were celebrating their 32nd anniversary.
I don't know what year it was (don't have my calculator) but don't they look cool!
OK, back to the food....
This is the aged tofu, which is fried tofu with a sauce of sweetened saki and soy sauce. On top are bonito flakes, tissue paper thin slices of fish that undulate from the heat of the tofu. Should have taken a video!

Willa and Chuck ordered several sushi rolls which were artfully presented. We all tried the dim sum, which is an assortment of small treats and dumplings that are traditionally eaten while drinking tea. None of us were brave enough to order the Phoenix Claw with Black Bean Sauce, which the waitress translated to be chicken feet!

Willa and I are finished and discussing how we wIsh we could get hired as food critics. LOL! Oh, the ideal job! Traveling from restaurant to restaurant, tasting, evaluating, and writing about our experiences!

Afterward we stopped at Ashcomb near Williams Grove. Yes, another greenhouse! They were closing in 30 minutes so we didn't have much time. We were all fascinated by the bee hive they have in the store. The bees come and go through a pipe in the wall. You can watch them making their honey comb inside a glass and wooden frame. Shoulda gotten a picture!

And here they are (no, guys! they are NOT the Three Stooges!!! well, maybe the one on the right...) after a fun evening out. Hope we can do it again soon.

I promise, everyone! I will stay home for the rest of the weekend! And if I DO happen to go anywhere, I'll leave the camera at home!
Friday, June 5, 2009
More Time Off!
These fountains, which didn't come out as well as I hoped are near the entrance. The other pictures are of several of the different greenhouse areas.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Aaaaaahhh! Time Off!

And this is one small view of the yarn room at Mannings. Look at all of those lovely colors! And this is only a tiny part of the whole thing. There's loads more yarn, a huge collection of books and magazines, another room full of spinning wheels and one of looms too! Just too tempting! I did buy a few cones of weaving thread in anticipation of weaving again sometime in the future.

We ate lunch at Pomodora's/The Gettysburg Baking Company in Biglerville. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside.....! They make the most luscious pasteries and artisan breads! And they have a tiny restaurant section that only seats about 24 people. It's very gourmet and classy. We had pizza with asparagus and lemon and lavender goat cheese. Delish! The crust was thin like a pita and crispy. I want to be able to make pizza crust like that!

While Zip was shopping, I walked around the Boiling Springs lake. It's a very small town with a lot of lovely old houses and the ones on the street that runs along the water are particularly nice. The have the area along the lake landscaped and mowed into a park area with benches under huge old trees. Here come the geese!