kitty companiona

kitty companiona

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Experimentation

Still trying to get this irritating stuff to work!
I'm now trying to put the video on YouTube.
Seems to be working so far!  (I think!)

Thanks Daisy the Curly Cat for the suggestion!!!

And Thank You! Sharon from Moosecraft, for giving me another suggestion!
And now it's right here!

Thanks to all of you who have helped the technologically impaired (me!) to accomplish the impossible!!!


  1. Yeah ...maybe this is the answer.xx

  2. It worked! Now... when at youtube... click on share and then click on embed. That will give you the code to copy/paste into the blog post and then the video will be on your blog.

  3. There, you did it Pat. I'm so glad that you didn't gave up. There is always someone ready to help with our problems. Now there's no stopping you. We expect more cat video of course.

    As for your question on who's modeling the knitted underwear, I have no Certainly not my husband, ha,ha ha. JB

  4. I'm very impressed and proud of you. And it loaded really quick this time.
    Hmmm, Millie might get jealous because she has never starred in a video.
    Have you started knitting Zip's new undies yet?? LOL That Julia cracks me up!

  5. Hooray, it worked! We also use Windows Movie Maker for editing because it is free... and easy to use!

  6. Good job!
    Hey, will Zip model his knitted gift?
    Hugs :)

  7. Can't wait to see more movies!! I'm glad you are enjoying playing around with this new technique!!

  8. Thanks for the comment Pat.
    I know that some people think we are over the top with the cats but I don't care, they mean the world to us both.
    Our Kitty and Fred were both heavy weights and would not have even been able to jump up to the platform if they were still here, I am trying not to let this lot get fat although Willow is getting a bit porky.
    It's funny, they are all from the same litter but so different.
    Rupert is a bag of bones under the fur and Rowan is quite thin but the the short haired ones are the biggest. I find it difficult to watch what they eat as some like a lot in one go and others like to nibble.
    Look forward to the movies.


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