Weeks can go by without a whole lot of exciting rug hooking action to write about.
But the last two days have been jam-packed with interesting and inspiring gatherings.
First was the weekly hook-in at Grant Street. We had a great turn-out with a total of eighteen people attending throughout the day.
Joanne came from afar bringing another new project. I just love this rug! She was working on whipping the edge and....
I think this is the first time that Kathy's friend Joan has come to the hook-in. She brought Kathy a birthday present which is a lovely piece of hand dyed wool. Joan was finishing her rug by binding it with wide strips of wool. Most of us had not seen this method and asked for a demonstration.
My friend Dottie is not a rug hooker but she is an expert knitter, spinner and weaver. Unlike those of us who can't chew gum and walk at the same time, Dottie's needles are flying while she talks and she's not even looking at her work! Anyone interested in learning to knit or just spend time with other knitters can join Dottie on Thursday evenings at the Shippensburg Public Library.

Kathy, Doris, and Joanne.

Doris's 'Study in Black and White' is nearing completion. What a lovely piece! But then, Doris ALWAYS creates excellent rugs.

Barb Continues to work on her quilt. Linda's rug is in the lefthand corner.
Kathy's pumpkin and cat rug is looking nice. Will it be finished by next week?

These two ladies are sisters (Kathy and Mabel). Mabel is showing her applique quilt.
Another of their sisters, Dot, told me she made this quilt many years ago to go by the crib when she had her first child.

And this interesting little mat was made by her grandmother when she was a child.

And here is Dot herself.

And here is Joanne's completed rug! It seems like every time she comes to a hook-in she finishes something! Great job, Joanne!!! Oh, and she also brought the most awesome brownies that tasted like fudge. Joanne, we love you just for yourself, but bringing food helps too!!!

Most of us took our current hooking projects for show and tell. Linda is helping someone by properly adjusting it in the hoop.

Snowmen were very popular....

I also had a picture of a lovely original design with a sunflower and butterfly but somehow it did not transfer from my camera. I am very sorry, please accept my apologies!
Jill provided us with penny rug projects. We were so busy working on them that no one had time for hooking. She provided us with a wool background square and then we blanket stitched our choice of mittens, trees, leaping rabbits, etc onto it. With a few snowflakes for embellishment.

Jill is so proud of her progress! LOL! Really she was so busy being a good hostess, that she didn't have time for stitching! She and Beth provided us with a delicious lunch- A great selection of rolls, deli meats and cheeses, apple salad (yum!), a salad with veggies and quinoa (probably spelled that wrong) more yum!, shrimp dip and crackers (even yummier!) and a variety of desserts which I was too stuffed to do justice to! THANK YOU, Jill and Beth!!!!

And last but not least is Lacy showing her project. She did a great job. She's so cute!!! She also had started a hooking project and she was doing an excellent job.

It's always nice to see young people taking an interest in learning fiber crafts.
Kathy, Doris, and Joanne.
Doris's 'Study in Black and White' is nearing completion. What a lovely piece! But then, Doris ALWAYS creates excellent rugs.
Barb Continues to work on her quilt. Linda's rug is in the lefthand corner.
These two ladies are sisters (Kathy and Mabel). Mabel is showing her applique quilt.
And this interesting little mat was made by her grandmother when she was a child.
And here is Dot herself.
And here is Joanne's completed rug! It seems like every time she comes to a hook-in she finishes something! Great job, Joanne!!! Oh, and she also brought the most awesome brownies that tasted like fudge. Joanne, we love you just for yourself, but bringing food helps too!!!
Jill invited Linda, Kathy and I to join her and Beth and some hooking ladies for lunch and a craft project day. Unfortunately Kathy had other plans, but Linda and I eagerly accepted. And what a fun day we had!
Some of the ladies I have met but several were new acquaintances. I am not good at remembering names! So I am just going to show pictures.
I love the Halloween jacket!!!
Most of us took our current hooking projects for show and tell. Linda is helping someone by properly adjusting it in the hoop.
Snowmen were very popular....

I also had a picture of a lovely original design with a sunflower and butterfly but somehow it did not transfer from my camera. I am very sorry, please accept my apologies!
Jill provided us with penny rug projects. We were so busy working on them that no one had time for hooking. She provided us with a wool background square and then we blanket stitched our choice of mittens, trees, leaping rabbits, etc onto it. With a few snowflakes for embellishment.
Jill is so proud of her progress! LOL! Really she was so busy being a good hostess, that she didn't have time for stitching! She and Beth provided us with a delicious lunch- A great selection of rolls, deli meats and cheeses, apple salad (yum!), a salad with veggies and quinoa (probably spelled that wrong) more yum!, shrimp dip and crackers (even yummier!) and a variety of desserts which I was too stuffed to do justice to! THANK YOU, Jill and Beth!!!!

And last but not least is Lacy showing her project. She did a great job. She's so cute!!! She also had started a hooking project and she was doing an excellent job.

It's always nice to see young people taking an interest in learning fiber crafts.
OK, I'm tired! I feel like I've been writing a book!
Until next time, Happy Hooking!