Christmas Even was spent with Brad and Kami and grand-daughter Emily. We had a lovely meal featuring snow crab legs and beef tips. Brad and Kami are both excellent cooks! We opened a few gifts, talked, ate, talked, petted the kitties, talked...
This is their big boy, Ernie checking the dessert selection set up in the sewing area.

Today we went to Mom's for a Christmas lunch. A few days ago Mom was cleaning and arranging the top shelves of her kitchen cabinets...standing on a chair. She admits this was not one of her brightest moments! When she tried to step down, her knee didn't bend properly and she fell to the floor, causing a major scrape along her right shin. She drove herself to the ER where they bandaged her up and told her to keep her leg elevated as much as possible.
She had planned to make a shrimp feast for all of us, but we talked her into postponing it until a later date. Brad, Kami, and I cooked up a big pot of spaghetti, made some garlic bread, and dinner was ready in a jiffy. Zip entertained Mom.
Kami and I did a cleanup and then we all gathered in the living room to sing carols accompanied by Zip on the guitar. Here are Brad, Kami, Emily and Mom.

Mom is a Christmas nut! She has a huge collection, from antique to newer handmade decorations and old postcards. She only put out a small sampling of her ornaments this year. She usually has a huge tree in the living room, but this year she settled for a few favorite feather trees.
This display cabinet is filled with small santas, cotton batting sheep, and reindeer sleighs.

I love this Santa dressed in white cotton batting.

This is the 'bird tree', with old celluloid parrots and a few glass clip on birds.

Here is her collection of Old World and Radcoe santas. I see an angel in there too!