kitty companiona

kitty companiona

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Quest (Lust) for Corn


Zip is a lover of corn.  It's his favorite vegetable.  You might say he's a corn-a-holic, the Corn Meister, a connoisseur of the cob, a corn wort.

The quest for fresh sweet corn starts sometime in late winter when Weis Market starts importing corn in the husk from SOMEWHERE.  Somewhere far  enough away that the corn has that held-in-refrigeration-for-who-knows-how-long taste.  Usually a disappointment, but we have to try it.  So we hold off for a week or two.  Then it's time to try again.  Eventually they get in one or two good batches.  But we keep buying.

Finally summer arrives and LOCAL corn is available.  Oh Glorious Day!!!
So we start making the rounds of the farm stands and markets.  Now where did we get that really good batch last year???  And what variety was it???  Bodacious, Incredible, Butter and Sugar, white, yellow, bicolor?

We begin to buy and try and buy some more until we have corn coming out of our ears (pun!). 
The trouble with corn is that it ages.  What was good one week will be probably be too old by next week.  But that doesn't always register with Mr. Corn.

The best way to not get snookered by aging corn is to pull the husk down a little way and LOOK at it.  Are the kernels large and waxy looking?  If so,  I don't want it.  But Zip hates to check the corn in front of the people selling it.  He says they disapprove.  It's embarrassing.  So I end up having recipes where I can hide inedible corn.  Soups, fritters, quesadillas, salsas.

But this week we were lucky and found the best corn of the season so far.  The farmer had the good sense to pick it while still young and tender.  Even I, who am usually to the point by now that I never want to see another ear of corn, loved this.

Zip wanted me to add that the name of this corn is 'Mariah', like that singer, only sweeter and more luscious.

 If you think humans are the only ones affected by this CORNINESS, you would be wrong.
Only minutes after Zip laid this bag on the table, The mania began.  I came into the kitchen and saw this.  Good grief!

 Keep plastic bags out of the reach of your children!

Let them dig in trash cans instead.

The kitties have this irresistible attraction to corn also.  They go crazy trying to get husks to chew on.  Unfortunately they barf the pieces all over the floor later.
Happiness is NO PICTURES!!!

OK, I think I've said enough on that subject.
Last week a spinning and weaving friend invited me and several like-minded women to a day of relaxation and chatting under the trees at her lovely 19th century farm house.  The weather was beautiful, the company was great, everyone had a nice time.

I took some dog hair to card, but never got it out of the basket.  As usual I was too busy talking.
Our hostess using her Canadian production wheel.  At least I think that's what it is.

Taking the spun yarn off the bobbin and putting it on the niddy noddy to be finished.

Spinning and knitting.

Their lovely vegetable garden and pond.  Oh no, I don't see a cornstalk anywhere!

Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my foolishness.
And go out and get yourself some really yummy corn-on-the-cob!


  1. OMG, I bet you nearly had a heart attack when you saw Deiter in that bag. Reminded me of when I was looking after Tom, the grandson and walked into the room only to find him with my plastic knitting bag over his head, luckily it was okay but you can imagine how I felt. Since then all plastic bags get tied into a knot, its habit.
    Love the look of that corn, makes me want to go out and buy some. lol

  2. loved this post Pat!
    corn kitties??
    who ever would have thought of that!
    lovely weaving too!
    have a great rest of the summer!

  3. I love your humorous post today. It's full of life. It must be all that corn. Oh my gosh, my mouth is watering already. The cat in the bag is hilarious. I never knew that cats love corn husk.

    I'm so glad that you spend some time with like minded friends and had a great time.
    I hope that you have a great weekend. I can't believe we are half way through August already.


  4. Lol. Zip is funny. Personally, I'm a cob peeker. Zip would be mortified. But you have to peek or you might bring home a few duds. ;)


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